Happy May!
Hi everyone,
The final book in the Footmen’s Club series is here. The Duke is Back (book 6) was released on April 25, 2022. If you’re the type who likes to wait to binge read. Go, go, go! To read more about it and order it, click here! And click here to read about any of the other books in the series.

What I’m Up To…
In May, Mr. B and I will be celebrating our daughter’s seventeenth (!!) birthday, and I will be sending my novella, The Duke Deal, to my editors. The novella will be in an anthology called Duke in a Box with 11 other terrific romance writers. If you sign up for the monthly newsletters, you’ll get a FREE duke book every month and a discount coupon to buy the anthology when it comes out.
And yes, you can pre-order it now too!

Have a marvelous May, everyone, and thank you for reading my latest news!